Pity party

It’s “done” …

Which is to say, the original tablecloths (one full size, plus an added piece to get some more length) have been completely covered with patchplay blocks …

I’m pretty sure I’ll be adding rows of quilting after I launder the cloth and see what more it needs.

But not anytime soon, as my hands took a beating when I tripped on an uneven sidewalk paver during my walk this morning …

My phone case has seen better days, too. Next time out I’ll be sure to keep my eyes on where my feet are going 🙄

30 thoughts on “Pity party

  1. Oh man! I’m so sorry you fell, but so glad the injuries were not worse. I am super careful when I walk now – don’t want to break anything! May you heal quickly and be mostly comfortable in the meantime.

    The tablecloth looks great. I’m impressed by the planning, connections, thought and TIME that you put into this. What a strong commitment 🙂 I can see the heads of the grands bent over, studying a bit of cloth near their dinner plate and asking, “Tell me about this one!”


  2. the tablecloth is magnificent, so full of love and meaning and memories. So sorry to hear about the fall though – thank goodness the ground was there to catch you. Hope the hand heals quickly.


  3. Well there’s nothing to do but to find your cozy chair and wrap yourself in this stunning, memorable, colorful, family treasure for the care, time, and most of all JOY you took in creating this surely has healing spirits stitched in this amazing table cloth.

    I tend to walk fast so I have to remind myself to slow down lest I trip which has been known to happen. I used to listen to music when I walked and one day, totally was so into the music that I danced myself right off a curb and fell into the street! Be well and go easy….


    1. Yours is a better story than mine … I was paying far too much attention to a car being winched onto a tow truck … in spite of Don’s prescient warning a few days ago to keep an eye on the uneven sidewalks


    2. Haha Marti! One time I was so enthralled by the size and beauty of a neighborhood tree, that I walked right of the paved road (no sidewalks in this part)…BAM – I was on my knees! ouch

      Liz, your phone may show the wear and tear, but my knees man…the fall stories they hold!!


  4. Hi LA – patchplay cloth looks great and what an achievement. Sorry to hear about your trip – happens so easily band hard surfaces are unforgiving – heal quickly as I know those hands will not want to be still for long. B


  5. Ouch. Hoping for swift healing and return of movement and ease. It’s hard for your hands to be stilled. Glad that the bruising is the worst of things, and loving how the cloth is settling right in/on to the table. Adding words throughout will be a delightful quest! Rest well.


  6. oh no! I’m so glad you didn’t break anything!! I set myself back by doing a spell of hand sewing as soon as my broken wrist had been through enough therapy and healing that I could sew. I was soooo happy that I sewed for about 3 hours and the ext day my index finger joints were totally inflamed. That set me back about 3 weeks… a word to the wise.


  7. May you heal quickly; so glad it wasn’t even worse. I’m so full of admiration for the tablecloth, such an imminently cheerful creation.


    1. Thank you … with all the kind well wishes I’m sure to be good as new in no time at all … and I love that you find the cloth cheerful


  8. the grands are going to have a giant puzzle to solve when they see this stunning tablecloth. I bet it becomes a race around the house to find the paintings that go with each square.

    And so very sorry to hear about your fall Liz. Since turning 60 I find I have lost a lot of my balance and trip often, but since starting Pilates I’m able to stop many of what otherwise would have been a fall. Aging has not been graceful.


    1. aging is for sure not graceful, but when asked recently what age I would like to be if I had a choice, I confess I couldn’t imagine being any age but the one I am now (well, maybe a few years younger, but retired for sure) … Pilates is a fantastic help (I’ve been doing a modified routine every day for at least 7 or 8 years)

      Liked by 1 person

  9. The table cloth is a masterpiece! Reading sounds like a good choice for the moment, hope you are more comfortable soon. 🙂


    1. the good news is that I’m feeling better (and taking less tylenol) every day … lesson learned and reading time is always a quiet pleasure


  10. faboulous results LIz, truly gorgeous!!!

    so sorry to read ’bout your fall and hand-injury, that always sucks:-(

    good to read in above comment you are feeling better


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